Dennis Sarsozo

Developer & Photographer on Oahu Hawaii
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College Accounting Course Advice

At first, I hated Accounting. I didn't understanding credit / debit for certain accounts. Why learn any of this if I won't use this in my career? McGraw-Hill sucks, etc etc etc excuses.

Now that I'm near the end of college and taking my final required Accounting class, its all making sense to me. Its actual useful for startups where its essential to know your runway. I can read a company's SEC financial documents and it somewhat makes sense! Finally, understanding what businesses usually track in their accounting, indirectly tells you how you can increase a business's revenue, or reduce their costs.

During my Prometheus Group internship, I didn't understand why people would want to track tedious part numbers like BOLT-48848... In retrospect we were essentially tracking Direct Material & Direct Labor for SAP. Just not at a computer but with mobile phones. SAP is one big ol accounting system to track whats being used. Thus, thats all accounting really is. Systematically tracking whats resources are being used.

My advice

  • Read this book

    Its a condensed simple version of ACC210.

  • Do the homework.

    Its one of the few business classes that you can't bullshit.
    Either you know how to cook the books, or you don't.

  • Assigned McGraw-Hill "SmartBook"? Review the powerpoints first.

    The powerpoints usually given by the professors are condensed versions of the textbook. Also the McGraw-Hill online textbook sucks. Don't waste your time, review the powerpoints then attempt the Smartbook review questions.

  • Do the homework.

    As I said, one of the few classes you can't bullshit. Reading & taking notes won't save your smooth brain.

TBH I made this post to procrastinate Accounting HW. I'll update it with more advice... or not idk.